First light of snapshots my way here

Hi everybody,


The best photo blogs of Opera kept alive within space of MyOpera were destroyed few years ago by Opera owners. I’ll try to revive my small world here as I ditched the Opera World few months earlier (due to some reasons) before MyOpera was annihilated with unprecedented decision and executed with unique modern barbarism.


My new images then were moved to my private WWW All of those snapshots were strongly improved using GIMP but the cameras I used (see the page at the bottom) were cheap so they had their limits. You’ll find quickly I stopped publishing images at the beginning of 2014 but I was left without any camera at that time. Then I had to take a longer break in my activities in blogosphere too.


Well, this time I decided to publish “raw” pictures paying attention to their composition mostly, leaving technical quality as less important issue. Naturally you’ll find a lot of errors in them in result but shooting that way has brought to my life excellent fun and learning time of “correct” photography.


More images, rants on Opera and “creative” reviews about Vivaldi in the next posts of mine. I hope so.


Welcome to the first album called Lights:


Here’s the first snapshot from them.

Night lights of one of town's zillion windows-shopping...
Night lights of one of town's zillion windows-shopping…


Best regards